My Incredible Journey

Ann Walker

Believe it or not my journey began in church one Sunday morning in October 2011. My pastor came out of the pulpit pointing his finger in my direction, as he stood in front of me he said, “The Holy Spirit wants me to pray for you right now. God is up to something in your situation. Let the scales fall from your eyes that you might see His hands at work. No longer will you look at the situation for what it is, but now you will look at it with the eyes of faith. God you are up to something and it is good. Hence forth now and for every more you, Ann, will say, Lord you are up to something and it is good.”

Several months later, I was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) is the most common type of non-invasive breast cancer. We called a family meeting and explained I had been diagnosed with Stage 0 Cancer called DCIS. After the initial shock, there was total silence. Tears begin to flow and emotions were high as I sat silently looking around at my family and I quietly said, “Why are you crying, do you see tears in my eyes, I am at peace with this because I already gave this to my God for Him to handle. I already told Him I can’t do this by myself, my trust is in Him, where is yours”? This began an amazing transformation in my relationship with my children and grandchildren.

I am coming up on three years of being Cancer free, but the experience of going through this process is as if it happened just yesterday. I am glad to tell people my story because by doing that I am also sharing that God brought me through and with the prayers and support of family, and friends we have acknowledged another one of God’s Miracles. And not once have I asked God, “Why me?”


We Will Beat This!


The Lord Blessed Me Through it All