The Lord Blessed Me Through it All
Janet Shobe
The Kentucky African Americans Against Cancer organized a breast cancer screening for women in May 2002 the Saturday before Mother’s Day. I decided to get mammogram at their mobile unit which is how I discovered I had breast cancer. After the initial shock of my diagnosis, I prayed, others prayed for me helping me get my mind back on track. It was show time! The cancer was found in my right breast two centimeters in size and in the sentinel lymph node on February 11, 2003. My mother and aunt nursed me back to health through their prayers and care for myself. On first day of physical therapy, the therapist raised my right arm I had my left fist ready to sock her. There was so much pain but we all laughed! The therapist was awesome!
My hair fell out and that was a major hurdle but since my mother was a beautician she always kept my hair in good shape, when I had it! Lots of laughter came as a result of not having hair during my treatments. One day I opened the freezer door and a cold draft of air swept over my head. I had to duck down and pop up in short intervals because it was so cold looking in the freezer! On another day, flowers were delivered my house and as I opened the door I remembered I forgot my wig. After I saw the flower man’s face I said oh well and told him to have a blessed day. Resting in bed one evening, my mother came in the room looking for her hairnet. She swore I had it. I finally had to break it down to her why I did not need one saying all she had to do was look at my head.
I share my story with my church family and others so they can know there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you get diagnosed early. Overall I must say that my experience with breast cancer was a good one. I found out who my friends really were. The Lord truly blessed me through it all!