The joy and spirit of sharing information was a high point for me…
Angelina’s Story
I found a lump in my left armpit. After a needle biopsy and surgery, I was officially diagnosed on 08/08/2011. My diagnosis and treatment of Stage 3 Breast Cancer, which was in lymph nodes, included removal of 28 of which 13 were cancerous. With Her2 Positive Herceptin, I underwent various chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatments for a total of 11 months. I am a survivor for eight years. It was important that I persevered my strength and stay positive through the process. I kept myself first. I fought the good battle and it continues every day. Cancer has impacted how important healthy living practices should be incorporated into everyday living, also the importance of prayers and faith. My words of wisdom to others on the journey:
1. Keep yourself first. Be positive
2. Never go to doctors and treatments along. Take your Silent Sam.
3. Keep a journal.
4. Keep a conversation with your medical team. Listen and ask questions
5. Be happy; eat well; rest and Let God and Let Go.
My favorite inspiring quote, Psalms 131:
"My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore."
My friend Gloria Statham, who is a friend with DeLois Mix, told DeLois I will be living in Phoenix part time. DeLois invited me to my first meeting. I am forever grateful. The joy and spirit of sharing information and experiences was a high point for me during my first meeting. What keeps me coming back is the fellowship among other black women. I tell others that the CBBC is an organization that supports black women living in and around Phoenix. It is wonderful! My one wish for the future of the CBBC is that recognition becomes national.